电池生产商Photovoletch选择了Prediktor的APIS Click 和 Trace MES解决方案

solarbe2010-08-24 15:07:25 电池生产商Photovoletch选择了Prediktor的APIS Click 和 Trace MES解决方案-索比光伏网微信分享

Prediktor公司,是为光伏生产制造商提供执行系统方案的提供商,电池生产商Photovoletch选择了Prediktor的APIS Click 和 Trace MES解决方案,给位于Belgium,Tienen的Photovoletch公司的电池生产电站提供解决方案。

Photovoletch公司经过全面分析,选择了Prediktor’s APIS Click 和Trace MES 方案

Fredrikstad, Norway: Photovoltech Selects Prediktor’s APIS Click & Trace MES Equipment Solution
Prediktor AS – a provider of Manufacturing Execution System (MES) solutions for PV manufacturers – have announced that cell manufacturer Photovoltech has chosen Prediktor’s APIS Click & Trace MES solution for their new in-line PV cell production plant in Tienen, Belgium.

Erling Fledsberg, Executive VP MES at Prediktor, stated ”We are very happy that Photovoltech chose Prediktor’s APIS Click & Trace solution in competition with many other PV focused MES solutions, and believe that Photovoltech will benefit greatly from our strong PV industry experience, expertise on single wafer tracking and our solution’s strong process analysis functionality. We are excited about working with Photovoltech and especially working with their new and innovative solution for wafer marking.






24 2010/08

电池生产商Photovoletch选择了Prediktor的APIS Click 和 Trace MES解决方案

Prediktor公司,是为光伏生产制造商提供执行系统方案的提供商,电池生产商Photovoletch选择了Prediktor的APIS Click 和 Trace ME
