
东汽峨嵋半导体材料厂所高纯事业部简介 东汽峨嵋半导体材料厂.所高纯事业部(原高纯金属及化合物材料分厂)创建于1964年,在国内最早从事高纯材料生产及研发,是目前国内工艺和品种最齐全的高纯元素材料厂。也是国内为唯一一家分析检测中心和环保设施配套齐全的高纯元素材料研究单位,分别通过了ISO9001:2000质量认证,ISO14001:2004环境管理体系认证,GB/T28001-2001 职业健康安全管理体系认证等多项认证。我厂生产的高纯99.999%-99.999995%单元素碲、镉、镓、铟、锑、磷、铋、铅、錫、锌、银、硫、铜、硒和部分化合物碲化镉、氧化铟、氧化镓、铟-錫合金等,及高纯异形材料片、箔、粒、丝、粉…,获得了国内外客户的一致好评。 40多年来我厂潜心于高纯材料的生产,并承担了多项国家级高科技研发项目,多次受到国务院.中央军委及中央有关部委的各项表彰。 2008年底总投资达4000多万元的高纯材料工业区一期工程已竣工。一流的生产装备,配套完善的基础设施(六级净化厂房),代表世界先进水平的质谱分析技术手段-辉光放电质谱仪(GD-MS)的应用使我厂高纯产业化规模跃居国内第一。我们将用更优质的产品服务于广大客户,与合作伙伴共创我国化合物半导体的未来。 DongQi-Emei Semiconductor Material Factory & Institute DongQi Emei Semiconductor Material Factory & Institute High Pure metals Division, a pionner reserch base and the biggest producing center for high pure elements and compound materials in china. It was established in 1964. This institute is the most complete in technology and variety of pure elements. At the present time it is equipped with advanced Glow Discharge Mass Spectrograph(GD-MS) and purify equipments in a new factory building . It is the only one which has a complete Analysis & test Center and environmental protection installation. Its first-stage of high pure material industrial area with large-scale production capacity, was built in 2008.Our aim is to satisfy customers’ different requirements. Purificatory Rooms Analysis & Test Center Products(99.999%-99.99999%): High pure materials: Te. Cd. In.. Sb. P. Bi. Pb. Sn. Ga . Cu. Se. Zn. Au. Ag. S… High pure compounds: CdTe. Sb2O3. Bi2O3. Ga2O3 … Processed high pure materials: Sheets. Foils. Bars. Wires. Granules. Powders…





