
索比光伏网2016-04-07 16:23:10 NEP日本光伏展会成功举办-索比光伏网微信分享
       2016国际太阳能展览会由世界著名的日本励展集团公司(Reed Exhibitions Japan Ltd.)主办,3月2-4日在日本东京有明国际展览中心成功举办。该展会为日本乃至亚洲地区规模最大、专业性最强、影响力最大的可再生能源行业展览会。






The 9th PV EXPO

The 9th PV EXPO, held by Reed Exhibitors Tokyo Japan. It is a 3 day event being held from the 2nd March to the 4th March 2016 at the Tokyo Big Sight in Tokyo, Japan. This is the largest PV Expo in Japan.

NEP Micro Inverter Inc brought its micro inverter BDM-300-J to this exhibition. BDM-300-J is the onLY certified micro inverter in whole Japan market.

In addition to NEP micro inverter Inc, there are another four companies present their AC module with NEP micro inverter.

XSOL, the second largest residential installation company in Japan, currently is using NEP micro inverter for their customers. Their revenue in 2015 is over US$500 million in Japan. In this expo, they displayed AC module with NEP micro inverter, which saved a lot of time and money for their field installations.

This is the second time that ET Solar displayed their AC module in Japan. ET Solar launched their AC module with NEP micro inverter in 2014 and has sold their AC module product all over the world.

Astron energy, one of the largest electric equipment manufactures and solar module manufactures in China, also launched their AC module with NEP micro inverter in 2015. This is their AC module in PV Expo Tokyo 2016.




07 2016/04


2016国际太阳能展览会由世界著名的日本励展集团公司(Reed Exhibitions JapanLtd.)主办,3月2-4日在日本东京有明国际展览中心成功举办。该展会为日本乃至亚洲地区规模最大、专业性最强、影响力最大的可再生能源行业
