
solarbe2010-08-30 15:27:39 Hafter领导Sharp太阳能公司能源解决小组部门-索比光伏网微信分享

Sharp电力有限公司,任命Eric Hafter为Sharp太阳能解决方案小组的高级副总裁,这个小组是公司的一个分部,Hafter负责Sharp太阳能产品和解决方案方面的市场和销售方面工作。

Hafter曾经是Solar Power公司的首席战略官,他为SolarPower公司赢得并开发了好几个重要的多兆瓦太阳能项目安装。

Sharp company 已经宣布了Solar Energy 解决小组原副总裁Ron Kenedi的离开。

Sharp Electronics Corp. (SEC) has appointed Eric Hafter senior vice president of Sharp Solar Energy Solutions Group (SESG), a division of SEC and the U.S. solar arm of Sharp Corp. In this position, Hafter is responsible for all U.S. sales and marketing of Sharp's solar energy products and solutions.

Hafter most recently served as chief strategy officer of Solar Power Inc. (SPI), where he helped the company win and develop several key multi-megawatt solar energy installations.

Before joining SPI, Hafter held positions at a variety of companies involved in energy and/or construction management. For over 10 years, he served at PowerLight Corp. (acquired by SunPower Corp.), where he was a member of the board of directors and then joined the company to lead PowerLight's successful entry into Europe.

The company has also announced the departure of Solar Energy Solutions Group vice president Ron Kenedi.






30 2010/08


Sharp电力有限公司,任命Eric Hafter为Sharp太阳能解决方案小组的高级副总裁,这个小组是公司的一个分部,Hafter负责Sharp太阳能
