
solarbe2010-08-27 17:09:28 ACC支持TEP购买97MW的太阳能-索比光伏网微信分享

ACC(亚利桑那州公司委员会)对TEP(Tucson 电力公司)计划购买10项可在能能源项目的计划表示支持,

这些可再生能源项目包括8个Tucson地区太阳能系统,一个天然气项目 和一个墨西哥风能农场项目。




The Arizona Corporation Commission (ACC) has expressed its support for Tucson Electric Power's (TEP) plan to purchase the output of 10 new renewable power projects that together will generate nearly 150 MW.

The projects include eight new Tucson-area solar power systems, a landfill-gas generation project and a New Mexico wind farm. The commission's endorsement allows developers of the systems to proceed with efforts to finalize financing, secure land rights and clear other necessary hurdles in hopes of completing their projects, which are scheduled to begin providing power in 2011 or 2012.

Under the contracts, the following solar projects, with a combined capacity of 97 MW, would be developed in the Tucson area:
• Three solar photovoltaic arrays built with fixed, stationary panels, including systems capable of generating 35 MW, 25 MW and 5 MW;
• Two single-axis PV arrays, including one rated at 12 MW and another at 4 MW; and
• Three concentrating solar power systems, including one 12 MW system and two 2 MW systems.

The proposed systems would complement two new solar power systems already planned to be built in the Tucson area by January 2012: a 25 MW single-axis tracking PV array near Marana and a 5 MW concentrating solar power plant at the University of Arizona’s Science and Technology Park. The ACC also expressed its support for TEP’s agreements to purchase the output of both systems.

Before those systems come online, TEP will add 1.8 MW of capacity this year to its 4.6 MW Springerville Generating Station Solar System. TEP also will build a 1.6 MW single axis tracking array at the University of Arizona Science and Technology Park later this year.








27 2010/08


ACC(亚利桑那州公司委员会)对TEP(Tucson 电力公司)计划购买10项可在能能源项目的计划表示支持,这些项目总共会产生150MW的电
