
Solarbe.com2010-08-26 17:51:00 英国天然气公司给千万家庭用中安装太阳能-索比光伏网微信分享

1. 消费者能够在“租屋顶”项目中选择免费安装的电池片。这个项目的户主将会从太阳能发电中获利尽管他们没有拥有这些电池板,并且英国天然气公司生命入网补贴的支付。这个协议只对英国天然气的用户提供,并限制安装1500个。
2. 消费者可以购买太阳能组件,把入网补贴的收入自己支配同事也能从电力减少花费方面获益。如果选择这个,英国天然气公司将会提供两年的0%年利率财政协议,来帮助客户购买该系统。

UK energy provider, British Gas, is to provide solar power for thousands of homes across the UK. The company will offer UK residents the option of free solar installation in order to benefit from cut electricity prices only, or finance solutions to cover the up-front cost of the system, delivering further rebate from the country's feed-in tariff, reports PV-Tech's UK sister site.
British Gas will work through mySolar Energy to provide an end-to-end solar installation service, carrying out an assessment of the home, installing the panels, providing all customers with a CEPP (certificate of expected panel performance) to demonstrate the expected value of the panel if customers were to sell the property, and helping its customers apply for the FiT.
British Gas will implement this initiative in two ways:
1. Customers can choose to have the panels installed for FREE under its "rent a roof" scheme. Under this scheme the householders will benefit from the electricity they generate although they will not own the panels and so British Gas will claim the FiT payments. The deal will only be open to British Gas customers and be limited to 1,500 installs to begin with.
2. Customers can buy the solar panels outright and keep the FiT income themselves as well as benefitting from the electricity cost reductions. If this option is chosen, a two year 0% APR finance deal will be offered by British Gas, to help the customer pay for the system.





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