
Solarbe.com2010-08-25 18:05:36 ZSW公司太阳能电池片效率创纪录,达到20.3%转化效率-索比光伏网微信分享

ZSW(Centre for Solar Energy and Hydrogen Research)公司刷新了薄膜电池片转化记录,达到了20.3%的转化效率。超过了之前四月份刷新的20.1%转化效率。之前的转化效率已经超过了美国国家可再生能源实验室之前2008年三月份的19。9%的效率。

Scientists at the Zentrum für Sonnenenergie- und Wasserstoff-Forschung Baden-Württemberg (Centre for Solar Energy and Hydrogen Research, ZSW) in Stuttgart, Germany have raised their thin-film solar cell efficiency record to 20.3%. ZSW’s prior record of 20.1% (achieved in April) had surpassed the US Department of Energy’s National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), which had held the record for the previous 16 years (latterly 19.9%, achieved in March 2008).
ZSW’s latest record copper indium gallium di-selenide (CIGS) thin-film solar cells shrink the efficiency advantage of multi-crystalline solar cells (still dominating the market) to just 0.1%. The increased efficiency should significantly improve the cost-effectiveness of CIGS thin-film photovoltaics over the medium term, it is claimed.
Experts reckon that, within the next years, the efficiency of the relatively low-priced CIGS thin-film solar modules will rise from about 11% to about 15%. Compared to 2008, the market share of thin-film power plants is expected to double by 2012, reaching about 30%.
Together with industrial partner Würth Solar, ZSW has developed its CIGS thin-film solar module technology to enable industrial production. In 2006, Würth launched what is claimed to be the world’s first mass production of CIGS solar modules (in Schwäbisch Hall, Germany).







25 2010/08


ZSW(Centre for Solar Energy and Hydrogen Research)公司刷新了薄膜电池片转化记录,达到了20.3%的转化效率。超过了之前四
