
solarbe2010-08-25 09:43:53 Bell集团总部部署安装1.1MW太阳能电池阵列-索比光伏网微信分享

Dunnigan, Commerce, Mojave, Santa Ana 和 West Sacramento有限公司已经公布了新墨西哥的最大太阳能阵列将会在一Bell 集团总部的停车场安装。

这个1.1MW的项目用了当地全球知名的光伏组件公司SCHOTT Solar PV 提供的5,000个光伏组件,安装覆盖了5公顷的停车厂面积,并将会每年产生1,600,000KWh清洁能源电力,足够满足Bell集团电力需求的80%。这次的光伏建筑将会为工作人员和参观者提供停车场。


Dunnigan, Commerce, Mojave, Santa Ana and West Sacramento., Inc., VE Group LLC and Affordable Solar Group LLC have unveiled New Mexico's largest solar array on The Bell Group's headquarters' parking structure in Albuquerque.
The 1.1 MW project uses over 5,000 locally-made solar modules by SCHOTT Solar PV, Inc, a global leader in photovoltaic module manufacturing, with US headquarters in Albuquerque, New Mexico. The installation covers 5 acres of parking area and will generate over 1,600,000 kWh of clean electricity annually -- enough to meet 80 percent of The Bell Group's electricity needs. The solar structures provide shaded parking for employee and visitor vehicles under the hot New Mexico sun.
The project involved a significant number of jobs in the Albuquerque region by utilizing local manufacturers, contractors and subcontractors from various trades.
The project implementation team consisted of Affordable Solar Group, Albuquerque-based solar equipment distributor and project developer; VE Group (Valley Electric), the prime contractor with offices in New Mexico and Colorado; and VE Group's local and regional subcontractors including Coupland-Moran Engineers, US Prefab, National Roofing and others who together carried the project from conception to completion. The Bell Group's facility management team provided support throughout all phases of the project.
SCHOTT Solar employs 340 people at its Albuquerque facility, Affordable Solar Group 35 employees in Albuquerque, and VE Group over 50 employees in New Mexico and Colorado, many of whom were employed by The Bell Group's solar project.                                                                            Bell Group project economically feasible. Using Albuquerque-made SCHOTT Solar PV panels helped us keep the transportation-related environmental impact as low as possible while providing our client with a high quality product," said David Hughes, President of Affordable Solar Group.







25 2010/08


Dunnigan, Commerce, Mojave, Santa Ana 和 West Sacramento有限公司已经公布了新墨西哥的最大太阳能阵列将会在一Bell 集团总部的
