Tata BP Solar拟提高光伏电池产能

Solarbe.com2010-08-04 10:57:22 Tata BP Solar拟提高光伏电池产能-索比光伏网微信分享

    Tata BP Solar乃Tata Power与 BP的一家合资企业,其拟于今年扩大光伏电池产能至180兆瓦,目前公司电池产能为84兆瓦
    就在近期举行的Solarcon – 2010会议期间,据该公司有关人员透露,“增加我们在班加罗尔工厂的产能,以及对这两个太阳能项目投产,是对我们2008年推出的项目的全面扩张.尽管投入了1亿美元,但是我们的产能却从52MW增加到了180MW”。
    他还说,2009年,Tata BP的营业额是2.5美元。尽管公司近70%的产品都远销国外,但在扩大占有国内市场份额上面却是乐观的。 由于国家太阳能任务的大大增加,今年Tata BP Solar将有望增加其在国内的市场份额.而具体情况将在几个月之后见分晓.
    而公司第一阶段将只会使用印度本土生产的各个元件,原因出于为了利用补贴和其它的一些设施。 印度当局的太阳能目标是到2022年,产能达到20000兆瓦。根据第一阶段的任务,政府已批准到2013年设立1100兆瓦的并网太阳能电站和200MW的离网太阳能应用。
    目前Tata BP Solar使用的所有光伏硅片都是进口的,而对于进军硅片生产行业其拒绝给予任何评论。                                 


          Tata BP Solar aims to increase PV cell manufacturing capacity
HYDERABAD: Tata BP Solar, a joint venture between Tata Power and BP, aims to increase its Photovoltaic (PV) cell manufacturing capacity from the
present 84 MW to 180 MW in this fiscal, a senior company official said here.
"The increase of the production in our Bangalore facility and the commissioning of the two solar power projects are the part of our overall expansion plan launched in 2008 which is taking us from 52 to 180 mw with 100 million dollars," the official told PTI during Solarcon-2010, a three day event related to Solar energy held here recently.
He said the company, which nearly exports 70 per cent of its production is hopeful of increasing its domestic market share keeping in view of the Solar Mission.
"This year the domestic sale is expected to improve because of the National Solar mission. However the situation will be clear in the next few months," the official said adding the company did a turnover of USD 250 million last year.
He said as per the Solar Mission guide lines, all the solar power units being set up under the mission in the first phase will have to use the components made in India only in order to avail subsidy and other facilities.
The government set up a target of producing 20,000 MW power under the Solar Mission by 2022. Under the first phase of the mission, the government has approved the setting up of 1,100MW grid-connected solar plants and 200MW capacity equivalent off-grid solar applications till 2013.
Presently all the PV wafers that are used to make panels are imported and Tata Solar BP offered no comments on the company's plans of foraying in to manufacturing of wafers.






04 2010/08

Tata BP Solar拟提高光伏电池产能

    Tata BP Solar乃Tata Power与 BP的一家合资企业,其拟于今年扩大光伏电池产能至180兆瓦,目前公司电池产能为
