
索比光伏网2017-02-23 08:56:04 协鑫美国北卡光伏电站项目受到当地公众期待-索比光伏网微信分享

中国光伏产业的不断成长,培育出具有国际竞争优势的光伏绿色电力综合服务商,向海外输入中国的绿色能源。2017年2月19日,美国媒体The Wilson Times(威尔森时间)刊出Wilson’s new solar farms nearing completion(《威尔森的新太阳能电站接近完工》)的报道,介绍了中国光伏企业协鑫新能源控股有限公司在美国北卡罗来纳州威尔森市投资建设的光伏电站进展,肯定其为当地提供绿色电力的贡献。

据了解,协鑫美国北卡光伏电站项目在当地颇受普通民众的关注,承载着当地民众对使用清洁能源的期待,他们希望项目尽快发电,将清洁能源带进日常生活,使每一个人都成为“环保卫士”。当地民众对协鑫北卡项目的高度关注和支持引起了当地媒体The Wilson Times的注意,为响应民众期待,The Wilson Times对项目进展进行了详细报道。


美国是全球太阳能电力发展较稳健的市场之一,享有政府支持政策,其中太阳能投资减税优惠已延长至2020年。北卡罗来纳州近年大力推动州内太阳能发展,按装机容量计为全美排名第四。协鑫新能源瞄准美国太阳能市场的发展潜力,于2016年2月投资了该项目,并与当地覆盖范围超过30个城市供电公司North Carolina Eastern Municipal Power Agency(「NCEMPA」) 达成10年供电协议。

目前,除美国被卡罗莱纳州外,协鑫新能源还在日本、南非等国家建设了地面及屋顶分布式光伏电站,并设有北美、日本、非洲等海外业务机构。据China Daily 近日题为GCL unit eyes overseas revenue from solar的报道,2017年,协鑫新能源制定了由国内业务为主向国内与海外业务并重转型的战略规划,下一步,公司将以北美、日本、非洲等成熟市场为依托,逐步拓展项目建设及机构建设。“预计到2020年,其海外光伏电站装机量在公司总装量占比将大幅提升至约30%”。


以下是The Wilson Times题为Wilson’s new solar farms nearing completion的报道原文:


Posted Sunday, February 19, 2017 8:40 pm

By Brie Handgraaf

Times Staff Writer

The transformation of roughly 430 acres of underutilized land into renewable energy sources is nearly complete as GCL New Energy crews finish the eight solar farms.

“This is a green energy, so no one has to worry about greenhouse gas emissions,” said Chris Ebel, a director at GCL New Energy. “There have been approximately $1.4 million worth of upgrades to Wilson’s electric grid because of these projects that are paid for by us. The annual revenue to Wilson Energy is about $400,000, so the city is gaining and the landowners remain the landowners, so everyone benefits.”

A developer put together the eight projects — one each on Downing Street, Bloomery Road, St. Rose Church Road, Old Sharpsburg Loop, Jonesy Road and Ward Boulevard as well as two on Charleston Street — with the city, then sold them to GCL for construction.

The Chinabased company brought in a workforce of about 300 people to complete the work, with three solar farms awaiting testing, two nearing mechanical completion and three expected to be complete near the beginning of March. Testing for the farms takes about 15 to 20 days, but the goal is to have the first five sites producing solar power for the city by March 31, Ebel said.

GCL Chief Finance Officer Steve Liang was in Wilson recently to see the projects firsthand and ensure construction was on schedule. While the panels used in Wilson were produced by another company, they contain a silicone chip manufactured by GCL.

“The silicone chips actually produce the power,” Ebel explained. “When the sunlight hits them, they vibrate very quickly and create the energy.”

Six of the sites have a maximum power output at peak performance of 10 megawatts while two have an output of about 5 megawatts.

“The modules generate the power and the wiring underneath comes to what we call an inverter,” Ebel said. “It takes the DC power and coverts it to AC power, which is what you use in your home. From here, it flows to one of our power pads and from there, it flows to the power poles and onto the electric grid.”





23 2017/02


中国光伏产业的不断成长,培育出具有国际竞争优势的光伏绿色电力综合服务商,向海外输入中国的绿色能源。2017年2月19日,美国媒体The WilsonTimes(威尔森时间)刊出Wilsons new solar farms nearingcompletion(《威尔
